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May 06, 2005



Oh Lisa! I feel for you. After seeing Anne's birch in person on Sunday, I had been thinking I should make one.. I am a beginner and a few people have been discouraging me, now I'm sold on not doing it! It seems like it gives EVERYONE headaches.. I just don't think I have the emotional framework at the moment for anything that's easy to stuff up! What is it that ends up going wrong?


Lisa nooooo!
You WILL beat the Birch.
Even if I have to sit there and watch you knit every single stitch.

theoretic gal

go lisa
and lee don't let the nay-sayers beat you.

You can do anything provided you
a) do the necessary preparation which includes learning any new techniques, swatching , make sure you understand the pattern.
b) listen to the advice from those who have done it successfully ( that is take lace advice from someone who does lace, not someone who only knits stocking stitch however nice they do it. You wouldn't get your ob/gyn to check your eyesight!)

C) remember It's only Yarn, if you stuff up you rip back and re-do.
d) have fun with it. lace look hard but it's actually fun to see the pattern grow.

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